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The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold

Reanne Powell

Death. Joy. Eternal Life. Purpose. Suffering.

This book takes all those weighty topics and presents a story of beauty and hope.

Mrs. Clara Kip is dying, but she knows God isn’t finished with her yet. Her final week in the hospice care home is spent impacting the life of the young journalist sent to write her obituary.

Well done Sara Brunswold! I’ve never read a book that focused so intentionally on what it looks like to die with dignity and faith. With euthanasia being such a prevalent topic in our society, this story is one that needs to be told! And even though it’s talking about death, it’s not a heavy read. It radiates the joy of someone who lived a life with Christ.

It's the kind of book you can give your grandmother, or neighbour, or friend from church. Would recommend for anyone looking for inspiring Christian fiction.


Overall: 5/5

Age: 14+

Romance level: 0/5 (This is not a romance book)


Find it at your local Christian bookstore, or click here to buy it online.

Canada: Paperback - Kindle - Audio

From the back cover:

A throwaway assignment is about to change two lives forever.

Aidyn Kelley is talented, ambitious, and ready for a more serious assignment than the fluff pieces she’s been getting as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star. In her eagerness, she pushes too hard, earning herself the menial task of writing an obituary for an unremarkable woman who’s just entered hospice care.

But there’s more to Clara Kip than meets the eye. The spirited septuagenarian may be dying, but she’s not quite ready to cash it in yet. Never one to shy away from an assignment herself, she can see that God brought the young reporter into her life for a reason. And if it’s a story Aidyn Kelley wants, that’s just what Mrs. Kip will give her—but she’s going to have to work for it.


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